Architecture, Design

Written by Daan Rombaut

Meet the HELLO House, the nicest house on the block


The Hello House is a collaboration between Melbourne firm OOF! Architecture and artist Rose Nolan, who created the all-white brick wall façade that greets passersby with a nice ‘hello’. Located in the Richmond suburb of Melbourne, the building used to be a Victorian era home with an integrated shop. OOF! and Rose Nolan brought the house into the 21st century with the addition of the interactive HELLO sign, while the shop was transformed into a creative studio. The interior boasts open space, natural light, stone, wood and metal. The brick wall both makes the structure stand out while it protects the privacy indoor. A flexible and contemporary interior provides a cozy and warm shelter during the colder months, while the open pavilion offers some summer relief. The rest of neighbourhood still has a lot of older buildings and instead of just blending in, the architects decided to bring a breath of fresh air into the area with the Hello House.





