Art, Video

Written by Daan Rombaut

Nychos dissects a Volvo


Austrian artist Nychos has ‘dissected’ a Volvo XC90 as part of the first live art performance at the Volvo Art Session. The detached car parts offer the audience a particular insight in the inner workings of the car, but instead of showing it as a machine, Nychos shows it as something organic.

The heart and lungs of the car are hidden under the bonnet, while a glance through the missing doors & windows offers a surprising view of its ribs and soft tissue. Thick cables link the parts that are suspended in the air with the car, and upon closer inspection those turn out to be blood vessels and veins. Nychos breathes life into the car and answers the question as to the future of the automobile: as is the case for humans, his vision of an environmentally friendly and sustainable form of transport requires clean air to operate.