
Written by Daan Rombaut

WIN: Happily Ever After

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Ever wondered what happened to your exes and where things started to go wrong? Film maker Tatjana Božić certainly does. When she finds love for the nth time and it’s about to go south once again, she sets out to make this relationship succeed. She challenges herself to visit five exes, in Moscow, Hamburg, London and Zagreb to find an answer to the question why things never worked out. With a lot of self-mockery and passion, she confronts her exes and herself with the complexity of modern love. The documentary is a challenging and recognizable film in which the maker never stops looking for the holy grail of love: the Happily Ever After!


The film will be released on Thursday 3rd April and you can win two cinema tickets and the book ‘Het Monsterverbond. De aantrekkingskracht van foute mannen’ by couple’s therapist Caroline Roodvoets. Drop us an e-mail at with your most memorable ‘ex story’.

Have a look at the trailer below.

More info: