Culture, Music

Written by lara garcia

Girls like us presents Kenji Minogue

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Girls like us is an independent journal turning the spotlight on an international expanding community of women from all genders within arts, culture and activism. On Saturday 23rd they organize a fundraising evening in Amsterdam for the new “Girls like us” coming out in January.

They promise an evening of oozing smoke, handcrafted neon, clinking glasses and dance to the beat of Kenji Minogue, a pure viral success story.  In spring 2012, they released the song ‘Naam Familienaam‘ on Youtube as a joke and since then, the video has 183.000 views and counting. Furthermore, at the ASVOFF 2012 fashion film festival, they won the prize for Best Newcomer for their video ‘Danny’ .

They ‘rap’ in the West Flemish dialect, and they will rock “Girls like us” party playing live on saturday 23rd in Butcher’s Tears (Karperweg 45, Amsterdam).


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