Not your average Brooklyn beer: Ethel’s Brew

When her husband died, Ethel Goldsmith realized life is short and acquired herself a new lifestyle. The eccentric 88-year-old lady decided it was finally time to let loose (she had been married since she was 20) and to ‘go out with a bang’!

Ethel and her late husband Burt visited Oktoberfest in the fifties, where Burt fell in love with beer. Since then he dreamded of opening his own brewery one day. When he died he left Ethel a small fortune and she decided to fulfill Burt’s dream and start her own beer brand!

Ethel’s Brew is a blonde beer brewed with three different types of malt, produced from French barley and several varieties of hops. With 6% and a fresh taste it’s the perfect summer beer, for both the young and old. It will be available soon in 12 oz. bottles. Stay updated on Ethel’s flamboyant lifestyle via or follow her on twitter via @ethesbrew. Trust us, it’s worth it.

Do not forget to check out Ethel’s website too! Full of fun stuff, such as the ‘Ethelisms’ below: