Art, Video

Written by Jurriaan

Soul Seek: Mulholland Drive The Opera

Studio Minailo have aspired to create a sequel to David Lynch’ iconic film Mulholland Drive. This resulted in the ‘internet opera’ Soul Seek, composed by Anat Spiegel and directed by Sjaron Minailo.

With Soul Seek the makers continue to explore themes of identity loss and identity switch, which were also main themes in Ingmar Bergman’s Persona and Lynch’ Mulholland Drive. In the opera the two main characters are in search of their lost identity through five compositions. Yet the experience of the viewer, in the form of a hypnotic dream or nightmare, is the main focus point of the opera.

Soul Seek can be viewed online in five chapters via The clips can be viewed online for free at any time. The full length is 25 minutes.