
Written by Jurriaan

Highway Portraits

What to do when you’re an aspiring photographer with no time to shoot? Diego Gimenez from Argentina decided to make use of his daily travel time to shoot fellow commuters, resulting in a slightly voyeuristic series of highway portraits. I particularly enjoy the aesthetics of the photos, resulting from the driver’s beautiful rust-encrusted vehicles and the use of low sun in the late afternoon, highlighting the passenger’s faces.

Gimenez: “I have 1 hour of travel to work, and I always love to capture moments without altering them. Moments without any spectacular thing, just moments in life, a fraction that it will be lost (like tears in the rain like that blade runner dialog), a fraction in peoples lifes. I like people in their cars, going to work, I like how each car is the perfect reflection of the driver, like dogs and their owners. I like it because are very private photos in a public space, they are in their own world, I could almost see their thoughts or their conversations.”

via It’s Nice That