7 Years BLEND Magazine

BLEND Magazine exists seven glorious years and, for the last issue of this year, we will dedicate a full celebratory issue to our anniversary. We invited photographer Matthias Vriens, former Edito-in-Chief of legendary Dutch magazine and founder of Bl33N, to skim through our archives and curate a selection of seven years BLEND: “Through the years I feel BLEND -idiosyncratically Dutch- has offered a platform for nudity, sexuality, politically questioning subject matters, etc.”

Vriens made a choice from all our editorials between 2004 and 2011, which resulted in a selection of about 140 pictures, which will be published in the upcoming issue: The BLEND Archive.

JOFF from BLEND Magazine says: “With this issue I didn’t just want to look onto our past, but also our present and maybe even future. We invited seven photographers/artists to take on the selection made by Matthias Vriens and use them as inspiration to submit works. The upcoming issue will be split in a retrospective part, followed by a contemporary reflection.”

Besides a lot of picture based series, the upcoming issue features an exclusive interview with Matthias Vriens and a series Vriens made especially for BLEND Magazine.

In short: The BLEND Archive is a gourmet banquet for your visual sense.

The seven photographers/artists include:

~ Amie Dicke
~ Robin Black
~ Jessica Craig Martin
~ Frederik Heyman
~ Donovan McGrath
~ Aaron McElroy
~ Todd Fisher