Sunny Suits Regular Lovers

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Sunny Suits’ second solo exhibition is titled ‘Regular Lovers’. borrowing its name from a Philippe Garrel film. Like Garrel, Suits works from her own life and relationships, giving us starkly honest insights into her private world through the portrayal of friends and lovers.

written by Olivia Singer

The photographs individually offer us glimpses of respective figures in Suits’ life. As with the work of Garrel, Cassavetes, or even Fassbinder the same characters reoccur throughtout her work. Whilst her photograhs speak in conjunction with social realism through their honest presentations, perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the collection is how Suits herself manages to authen-tically capture this aesthetic. These are not candid photos, yet they betray the same intimacy as if they were. Even when the subjects look into the camera itself, it seems it is Suits they see rather than a lens; it is she they continually respond to rather than the camera.

Accompanied by contextualizing still lives, the sense of Suits’ consistent presence in each situation, in each photograph, lends on intimacy beyond the realtionships displayed between couples; their setting, either indoors or in darkness, further privatizes the situation. it is , in fact, Suits’ own engagement with her friends and lovers and her comprehension of the dynamics of the lovers she photographs that gives the exhibition it’s true narrative. The photo-graphs present viewers with a narrative of unusually honest selfreflection through the engagement of others.

A soundtrack of music selected by Suits especially for Regular Lovers
will play throughout the exhibition.

Frederic Snitzer Gallery
Opening reception: Friday September 9, 7:30-10 pm
Exhibition: September 9 – October 3

Sunny Suits first solo exhibition: Wild at Heart