Art, Culture, People

Written by Narayana

Effondrement culturel

Congratulations to Erwin Olaf on having been awarded the ‘Johannes Vermeer Prijs’ in the beginning of June: “The State Secretary for Education, Culture and Science, Halbe Zijlstra, is to present this year’s Johannes Vermeer Award to photographer Erwin Olaf. The jury selected Olaf because of the high quality of his entire oeuvre.”

Almost at the same time, political change in the Netherlands regarding art is causing havoc in the country. Some influential institutions for art, fashion and theatre—Rijksacademie, Premsela and TiN—are on the verge of evaporation. On 26th into 27th of June a demonstration march is launched starting in Rotterdam @ Boymans van Beuningen, in the middle of the night, towards The Hague’s Binnenhof.