

Mary Huang and Jenna Fizel founded Continuum; part fashion label and part experimental design lab. Nowadays everything is going digital, that’s why Huang and Fizel wanted to experiment and discover the possibilities for fashion in the near future. Their first project is an application to design your own little black dress. The materials and patterns for the dress are already set, so all you have to do is draw the form. Huang calls it computational couture. Unfortunately these self-designed dresses can’t be purchased yet, since the project is not completely finished. Therefore Continuum fashion is working hard to set up the production to be able to deliver the dresses in short time. In the meanwhile try out the design program and get a taste of digital fashion.

The N12 bikini is another innovative project of Continuum. This bikini is ready-to-wear when it’s printed out of a 3D printer. Curious about how that’s even possible? Check out Continuum fashion!


