Your Name in Lights by John Baldessari

YNILThe Stedelijk Museum, together with Holland Festival, proudly presents Your Name in Lights, by renowned American artist John Baldessari from June 1 to 26. To be part of this extraordinary work, people everywhere are invited to submit their names via whereupon they will appear on a large illuminated sign on the Museumplein in Amsterdam. With this dynamic participatory artwork, everyone will have an opportunity to experience his or her 15 seconds of fame.

Your Name in Lights playfully and provocatively reflects the fixation with celebrity in contemporary culture and recalls Andy Warhol’s oft-quoted statement from 1968, ‘In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes’. ‘Warhol is so yesterday’, says John Baldessari, ‘be a celebrity for 15 seconds! Be a celebrity, a living legend and an idol. Experience the thrill of seeing your name in lights!’

The work runs from June 1st to 26th and is a collaboration between the Holland Festival and the Stedelijk Museum and was made possible by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts.