Santigold \ Go


Santigold recently signed to Jay-Z’s Roc Nation record label. Last week, Jay-Z premiered a new track from her forhtcoming second album American Dreaming, called Go. The song features vocals from Yeah Yeah Yeahs’ Karen O and was presented along with an interview on Jay-Z’s website Life and Times, which you can check out here. In the interview, Santigold describes the hilarious situation that occured while setting the first steps towards a collaboration with Karen O.

She stated: ‘So I worked on it a bit and sent it to Karen. I felt all insecure and was like, “You know, if you’re feeling it, if you could come up with something, but if not, it’s cool.” And then I didn’t hear back for a while. So, I sheepishly reached out again, and was like, “Hey, no pressure, if you weren’t feeling it, it’s cool.” And Karen was like, “OMG! I sent it back to you a week ago. I thought you hated what I did so much you didn’t ever want to speak to me again.” I told her I never got it, and we agreed that being an artist was insane and we laughed at our psycho- insecurity, and were both psyched on what she called our “rad” track.’