
We came across the wonderful works of Yuuki Takakura, a.k.a. Yuukicyan. She lives and works in Turin, Italy, but has Japanese roots which you can see claerly in her work. When she was little, her mother used to paint for fun and Yuuki followed her with great fun. After highschool she attended the Academy of Fine Arts of Turin. Today she works with classic materials, like oils, acrylics, watercolours, pencils, pens, etc. She also likes markers, but at the moment she uses her computer a lot. It’s great to see such diversity in her work!
When asked for her inspiration, she says: ‘Everything I see, good or bad or in the middle. It may be a shoe, a car, a magazine, a way of walking, a dream I made… I tend to stare at things and people, that’s what inspires me I think.’
One of the scribbles of her marker drawing series is her favorite work: ‘I did it in a minute and it became very good. Unfortunately I tend to detach from my work pretty soon after they are done.’
Would she ever consider doing commisioned work? Yuuki: ‘I’d like to, if anyone asks me to do something nice I’ll definitely do commissions. I even did a pope portrait for a relative of mine and it was interesting!’
View a preview of her work below and check out her website for more www.yuukicyan.com
