Ira Waldron \ Stage Animals

Ira Waldron

Russian artist Ira Waldron recently displayed her work at Gallery Rabouan Moussion in Paris, where we were struck by the intriguing figures she creates called Stage Animals. About this, Waldron states: ‘These figures are cult-figures, mythic people: after the trial that ruined his life, Michael Jackson had become a hunted beast. When he died, I understood that he was a genius. Only death can turn you into a Stage Animal, especially an untimely death.’ In the series Waldron depicts all kind of pop culture legends in dramatic settings.

Waldron studied art in Saint Petersburg but moved to London because she aspired a career in show business. We can see this is where her fascination for the representation of artists originated. Nowadays Waldron divides her time between Moscow and Paris and focuses on her career as a painter.

Ira Waldron