
Interview with Mirthe Kluck

Interview with Mirthe Kluck

Written by Guiliano Bolivar ‘I’ve made chocolate monochromes for a while and I love renaissance painting.’ As a 21 year old girl, Mirthe Klück is looking forwards to enroll her third year within the fine arts department at the Royal

After the Bit Rush

After the Bit Rush

The digital revolution, the great Bit Rush, is over. The question whether something is analogue or digital does not matter anymore. Everything we do is influenced by digital technology. Just as air and water, the property of being digital is

La Fille d’O

La Fille d’O

La Fille d’O, a Belgium lingerie brand, is the enfant terrible of the lingerie world. Contradictory in a sense, because La Fille d’O is one of the few that literally celebrates the female body in all it’s forms. Without making