
The upcoming horror film Unfriended takes over the protagonists’ computer screens

The upcoming horror film Unfriended takes over the protagonists’ computer screens

‘Unfriended‘ is an upcoming horror film that tells the story of a certain Laura Barns, a girl that commits suicide after an embarrassing video of her party debaucheries surfaces on the internet. Plagued by cyber bullying she ends her life,

Design a new maze for the hotel that inspired ‘The Shining’

Design a new maze for the hotel that inspired ‘The Shining’

The actual hotel that inspired Stephen King to write his masterpiece ‘The Shining’ is now hosting a contest to design a new maze. The maze of the Stanley Hotel formed the setting for one of the most climactic endings to

Paranoia runs rampant in new Inherent Vice trailer

Paranoia runs rampant in new Inherent Vice trailer

Paul Thomas Anderson takes the audience on a trip filled with paranoia in the latest trailer for one of the most anticipated upcoming films, ‘Inherent Vice’. This crime comedy/thriller follows detective Doc Sportello (played by Joaquin Phoenix) as he agrees

Surrender to this short dance film by Maceo Frost

Surrender to this short dance film by Maceo Frost

‘Ready To Surrender’ is a short dance film by Swedish filmmaker Maceo Frost, set to a choreography by Mari Carrasco. The two found inspiration in a stage piece by the same name. Immerse yourself in this video that explores the

WKND brings our girl crushes from the 90s to skateboard decks

WKND brings our girl crushes from the 90s to skateboard decks

  For their latest line skateboarding company WKND went back to the heroines that spiced up the classic movies of the 90’s and the soundtracks that accompanied them. The girls that made the cut are Laney Boggs from ‘She’s All

FASHION HOUSE MARGA WEIMANS will premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam

FASHION HOUSE MARGA WEIMANS will premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam

A fashion documentary following Dutch designer Marga Weimans on the way to the top and back to her roots in Suriname will premiere during the 44th edition of IFFR (International Film Festival Rotterdam) on January 23. Directed by the up-and-coming

Watch the captivating trailer for Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter

Watch the captivating trailer for Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter

The Coen Brothers’ iconic film Fargo from 1996 has had a severe impact on the film industry, with a TV series sequel that aired this past year and the new feature film ‘Kumiko, The Treasure Hunter‘. In this darkly comedic odyssey, Academy

Review: Big Bad Wolves – Quentin Tarantino’s best film of 2013

Review: Big Bad Wolves – Quentin Tarantino’s best film of 2013

Endorsed by Quentin Tarantino as the best film of 2013, Big Bad Wolves from Israeli directors Aharon Keshales and Navot Papushado has big shoes to fill – and is now available on Blu-Ray and DVD. Dropping a name like Tarantino’s is bound

Watch The Trailer For the Edward Snowden Documentary ‘Citizenfour’

Watch The Trailer For the Edward Snowden Documentary ‘Citizenfour’

American director Laura Poitras has released the first trailer for ‘Citizenfour’, the documentary that entails her time reporting on the NSA scandal and whistleblower Edward Snowden. It’s a tension-fueled trailer setting the scene for what Poitras aimed to record. The

Celebrate the return of Twin Peaks with a knitwear ranking

Celebrate the return of Twin Peaks with a knitwear ranking

More or less 25 years after we said our goodbyes to the town of Twin Peaks, David Lynch and Mark Frost will be revisiting that wonderful and strange place. Premium cable network Showtime will host a mini-series set to premiere