
Written by Daan Rombaut

Shai Langen covers bodies in liquid latex

Chimera 1

Shai Langen graduated in Product Design from the HKU, Utrecht School of Arts. His graduation project, entitled ‘Chimera’, is a collection of materials made from latex, coinciding with a film that looks into a future in which the human body is cultivated and grown. Watch the video below.

The collection is comprised of various treatments of liquid latex, which exist from the reaction of latex on calcium nitrate. During his research, Langen experimented with the forms that develop naturally by letting latex drip on an emulsion of water and calcium nitrate. Different results are formed by altering the matter and viscosity of latex and the emulsion. Using various techniques, Langen made a collecting that refers to cell structures, slime molds, and mould textures. Those come into existence and are formed in the same way as living and growing organisms. The textures are both organic and synthetic, between living and dead matter. ‘Chimera’ plays with the idea that the organic is overrun by the synthetic; where natural processes mutate the skin and the living organism feeds off the body – where the synthetic is reigned by the organic.

Material 5a

Material 5

Material 4a

Material 4

Material 3b

Material 3

Material 2

Material 1a

Material 1

Chimera 8

Chimera 7

Chimera 6

Chimera 5

Chimera 4

Chimera 3

Chimera 2